Celtic Visions: Seership, Omens and Dreams of the Otherworld - by Caitlin Matthews - Celtic Reader

Celtic Visions: Seership, Omens and Dreams of the Otherworld - by Caitlin Matthews

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The "seer" in Celtic society was a visionary who opened a connecting window into the cosmos, through which the otherworld and the everyday would interconnect. This was the essence of true perception and wisdom, known by the vision-poets as the gléfiosa or "bright knowledge." Drawn from ancient Gaelic and Welsh sources, this book of prayers, chants, and practical exercises reveals the essence of the prophetic visions of Celtic druids and seers. It explains their methods for communicating with the otherworld through omens and fairy lore and explores the Celtic gift of "second sight"—the perception of both the visible and the invisible aspects of reality.

Paperback / 242 pages / Celtic spirituality