Bestselling historical novelist Morgan Lylwelyn teams up with Irish fantasy writer Michael Scott to write an epic fantasy based on the mythology of ancient Rome. As the Romans expand their rule from their newly founded capital city, the civilization of their elegant forerunners, the Etruscans, is waning. Into this era of flux and change strides a young figure destined to become one of the classical world's greatest mythic heroes.When Vesi, a young Etruscan noblewoman, is raped by a supernatural being who was once human, a child is conceived. Outcast from Etruria, Vesi bears a son she calls Horatrim: a child who is dangerous both to the Etruscans and to his own father, he is gifted with arcane knowledge and supernaternatural abilities, but has a human heart. Separated from his mother, he travels to Rome and is adopted by a businessman who changes his name to Horatius - a name that will ring down the ages. More than glory awaits the young man, however: his demon sire is pursuing Horatrim to kill him.
Paperback / 351 pages / historical fiction
Paperback / 351 pages / historical fiction